Astaan Construction Company

063-3338555 / 063-637265252 / 063-4149825


Gacanlibaax streat, Road No 1, Area Gacan-libaax District, Hargeisa

Saturday to Thursday

8 am to 6 pm

Challenges Facing Africa’s Construction Industry

Africa is facing challenges in the Construction Industry despite it being the fastest developing continent the construction industry is an area of focus and has been drawing positive attention and top heavyweight companies are now fully focusing on the African construction industry.

In Africa, things are looking up a bit for the construction industry. New construction starts have been strong in recent months, construction spending rose throughout much of 2014, the production of construction materials has been up for six months in a row, and large companies such as Caterpillar that are already on the African ground have posted strong earnings reports for the past couple of quarters–a hopeful sign that small and mid-sized company will also do better.